Course Name
Manage predictive and preventative track maintenance prequalifier
Course Description
<p>This pre-course interactive PDF and knowledge check are designed to develop delegates who are responsible for management of predictive and preventative track maintenance as part of their duties on Network Rail Infrastructure. It is the first module of the learning for the manage predictive and preventative track maintenance course and needs to be completed and passed before attending the course. Delegates must achieve 80% of the pre course knowledge check to attend the course and delegates will have two opportunities to pass. Failure on the second attempt will mean, they cannot attend the module and require more action learning for a time period no shorter than 3 months. A development plan should be utilised, to seek to develop their knowledge and skills in relation to Manage predictive and preventative track maintenance</p>
This pre-course interactive PDF and knowledge check focuses on tactical management but is also aimed at delegates who aim to progress into the role of Track Maintenance Engineer (TME), Assistant Track Maintenance Engineer (ATME), Section Manager (SM (T)), Senior Asset Engineer (SAE), Principal Technical Officer (PTO) and Rail Maintenance Engineer (RME).
3 hours Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Competence Awarded:
Course Code:
Prerequisite Name:
Prerequisite Short Code:
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
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How to Book