Course Name
Introduction to Relay Interlocking
Course Description
<p>At the end of this course the delegate will be able to describe: Engineering specifications associated with specific type of relay based interlocking. How the relay based interlocking is designed to function under normal operating conditions. What each of the component parts contributes to the overall operation of the system. What stages apply to setting and cancelling a route and what conditions must be met before a route can be set or cancelled. What tools are required to complete the work and what equipment calibration is required.</p>
This course is an introduction to Relay Interlocking. This shall only be attended by people who are required to fault and maintain any type of relay interlocking. Ideally it shall be the start of a development plan and should attend the course no more than 6 months before a Route Relay Interlocking course.
8 Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Competence Awarded:
Course Code:
STF 120
Prerequisite Name:
Prerequisite Short Code:
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book