Course Name
GSM-R Network - Base Station, Subsystems - Tunnel Repeaters
Course Description
<p>Provides the knowledge of GSM-R (tunnel) repeaters for them to be able to hold an informed discussion, on necessary actions, with NMC or other remote monitoring centre. It also enables them to fault, replace and set up a repeater without remote guidance.</p>
For experienced Telecoms engineers & technicians with a sound knowledge of analogue radio principles and at least an appreciation of GSM-R who are likely to be involved in faults on the (tunnel) repeaters or who will be involved in commissioning testing and snagging.
2 Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Undertake corrective and preventative maintenance of GSM-R equipment; GSM-R Network - Base Station Subsystems - Tunnel Repeaters.
Competence Awarded:
TEL 1020
Course Code:
GSM-R Rptr
Prerequisite Name:
Prerequisite Short Code:
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book