Course Name
Electro-Hydraulic Trainstops & Trip Cock Tester
Course Description
<p>This training course is designed to provide learners with knowledge of Mechanical Trainstops & Trip Cock Tester and provide them with the opportunity to understand how this applies to their role and day-to-day work.<br />
<br />
Before enrolling on this course learners must have completed the following two eLearning courses:<br />
<br />
- Introduction to Signalling Principles<br />
- Interlocking Principles for Colour Light Signals<br />
<br />
Learners must also hold the following pre-requisite competences:<br />
<br />
- Sig 42.01 – Basic Electrical Safety for Signal Engineering<br />
- Sig 07 - Undertake corrective and preventative maintenance of Electrical Signals including AWS and TPWS</p>
This training course is designed for front line workers who want to increase their knowledge on Electro-Hydraulic Trainstops & Trip Cock Tester.
0.25 Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Undertake corrective and preventative maintenance of Electrical Signals including AWS and TPWS.Electro Hydraulic Train Stops
Undertake corrective and preventative maintenance of Electrical Signals including AWS and TPWS.Tripcock Tester
Competence Awarded:
Sig 07.06, Sig 07.13
Course Code:
STF 90080E
Prerequisite Name:
Undertake corrective and preventative maintenance of Electrical Signals including AWS and TPWS
Work safely on Signalling Power Supplies.Basic Electrical Safety for Signal Engineering
Prerequisite Short Code:
Sig 07, Sig 42.01
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book