Course Name
Inspection of aluminothermic welds
Course Description
To provide delegates with the knowledge and practical experience to demonstrate competence in Aluminothermic Weld Inspection.
This course is suitable for Technicians (Welding & Grinding). Delegates must have - Minimum age of 18. Previous demonstrable experience in Aluminothermic Welding. Meet the medical requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L2/OHS/00124 Medical Fitness Level 1. Meet the medical requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L1/OHS/051 (Drugs & Alcohol).
3 Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Inspection of aluminothermic welds.
Competence Awarded:
Course Code:
PLT 605c.E1
Prerequisite Name:
Undertake Liquid Penetrant Testing; Undertake Magnetic Particle Testing; Must hold a valid Sentinel track safety card endorsed with Personal Track Safety, Individual Working Alone or Controller Of Site Safety.
Prerequisite Short Code:
PLT402c.E1; PLT402c.E2; PTS, IWA or COSS
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book
Course Name
Inspection of arc welds
Course Description
To provide delegates with the knowledge and practical experience to demonstrate their competence at Flash Butt Weld Inspection.
This course is suitable for Technicians (Welding & Grinding). Delegates must have - Minimum age of 18. Previous demonstrable experience in Arc Welding. Meet the medical requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L2/OHS/00124 Medical Fitness Level 1. Meet the medical requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L1/OHS/051 (Drugs & Alcohol).
1 Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Inspection of arc welding.
Competence Awarded:
Course Code:
PLT 605c.E2
Prerequisite Name:
Personal Track Safety;
Individual Working Alone or Controller of Site Safety
Prerequisite Short Code:
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book
Course Name
Inspection of flash butt welds
Course Description
To provide delegates with the knowledge and practical experience to demonstrate their competence at Flash Butt Weld Inspection.
This course is suitable for Technicians (Welding & Grinding). Delegates must have - Minimum age of 18. Meet the medical requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L2/OHS/00124 Medical Fitness Level 1. Meet the medical requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L1/OHS/051 (Drugs & Alcohol).
1 Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Inspection of flash butt welds.
Competence Awarded:
Course Code:
PLT 605c.E3
Prerequisite Name:
Personal Track Safety; Non Destrcutive Testing - Liquid Penetrant Testing; Non Destrcutive Testing - Magnetic Particle Testing
Prerequisite Short Code:
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book
Course Name
Join or repair rails using Railtech processes
Course Description
To provide delegates with the skills and underpinning knowledge required to join or repair rails using (Railtech) Aluminothermic welding processes.
This course is suitable for Welding & Grinding Operatives who are already competent in Welder Assistant duties.
20 Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Join or repair rails using Railtech processes
Competence Awarded:
RT1; RT2; RT3; RT4; RT5
Course Code:
PLT 803b.E2
Prerequisite Name:
Meet the medical requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L2/OHS/00124: Competence Specific Medical Requirements
Meet the requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L1/OHS/051 (Drugs & Alcohol);
Undertake work to prepare and assist Aluminothermic welding activities;
Magnetic Particle Testing; AND
As an assistant, has assisted in the manufacture of 25 welds within the last 2 years, covering a variety of weld types and rail conditions that must include welds of similar and dissimilar wear, wide gap and head repair; OR Is competent in a relevant welding process that has been obtained outside of the UK rail industry.
Prerequisite Short Code:
NR/L2/OHS/00124; NR/L1/OHS/051; PLT 803c; PLT 402c.E2
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book
Course Name
Join or repair rails using Thermit processes
Course Description
To provide delegates with the skills and underpinning knowledge required to join or repair rails using (Thermit) Aluminothermic welding processes.
This course is suitable for Welding & Grinding Operatives who are already competent in Welder Assistant duties.
20 Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Join or repair rails using Thermit processes.
Competence Awarded:
TW1; TW2; TW3; TW4; TW5; TW5c
Course Code:
PLT 803b.E1
Prerequisite Name:
Meet the medical requirements of Network Rail standard NR/L2/OHS/00124 Meet the medical requirements of Network Rail standard NR/L2/OHS/051 (Drugs and Alcohol) Undertake Work To Prepare And Assist In Aluminothermic Welding Activities. Have assisted in the manufacture of 25 welds within the last 2 years. Magnetic Particle Testing.
Prerequisite Short Code:
NR/L2/OHS/00124; NR/L2/OHS/051; PLT 803c; PLT402c E2
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book
Course Name
Magnetic Particle Testing
Course Description
To train delegates who are responsible for undertaking Magnetic Particle Testing (MPT) training as part of their duties on Network Rail Infrastructure.
Personnel who are required to use Magnetic Particle Testing as part of their duties.
1 day Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Undertake Magnetic Particle Testing
Competence Awarded:
Course Code:
PLT 402c. E2
Prerequisite Name:
Prerequisite Short Code:
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book
Course Name
Plain Line Maintenance
Course Description
The aim of the course is to provide delegates with the skills and underpinning knowledge required to undertake the duties in line with the unit of competence Tr 01.01. This includes being able to describe the Plain Line Track manual asset/component maintenance methods and techniques.
Any persons who are responsible for undertaking 'manual maintenance activities' on plain line track.
3 Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Maintain permanent way assets.Plain Line
Competence Awarded:
TR 01.01
Course Code:
TR 01.01
Prerequisite Name:
Personal Track Safety
Track Induction
Prerequisite Short Code:
PTS, TR 00
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book
Course Name
Prepare rails for disposal using oxy-fuel gas cutting processes
Course Description
To provide delegates with the skills and knowledge required to use Oxy-fuel gas cutting equipment to prepare for the disposal of rail.
This course is suitable for Welding & Grinding Operatives. Delegates must; Meet the medical requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L2/OHS/00124 Medical Fitness Level 1. Meet the medical requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L1/OHS/051 (Drugs & Alcohol).
4 Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Prepare rails for disposal using oxy-fuel gas cutting processes.
Competence Awarded:
Weld 102
Course Code:
PLT 901c
Prerequisite Name:
Undertake Liquid Penetrant Testing
Prerequisite Short Code:
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book
Course Name
Repair rails using arc welding processes
Course Description
This core module is designed to train persons who are responsible for undertaking plain line rail using arc welding processes as part of their duties on Network Rail Infrastructure. This core module is required before attending the arc welding process specific endorsement modules. This is a core module alone will not permit welding activities to be undertaken. Attendance on the endorsement module training is required before arc welding activities can be undertaken on the infrastructure.
Staff who are required to attend PLT 804c.E1 Repair rails using manual metal arc (MMA) welding or PLT 804c.E2 Repair rails using flux cored arc welding (FCAW) courses.
5 Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Repair Rails Using Arc Welding Processes.
Competence Awarded:
PLT 804c
Course Code:
PLT 804c
Prerequisite Name:
Understanding of fuel gas safety Undertake Liquid Penetrant Testing; Undertake Magnetic Particle Testing; Safe use of generator equipment . Plain line grinder , Cutting and grinding equipment
Prerequisite Short Code:
PLT402c.E1; PLT402c.E2; PTMP01; PTMP03.03;PTMP 03.06;Weld 111
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book
Course Name
Repair rails using flux cored arc welding (FCAW)
Course Description
This endorsement module is designed to train persons who are responsible for undertaking plain line rail using the flux cored arc welding process as part of their duties on Network Rail Infrastructure.
This endorsement module is for Flux Cored Arc Welding (FCAW) on plain line only ,and can only be attended if the individual has attended the PLT 804c core module.
10 Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Repairs and resurfacing of plain rail, all rail grade groups and welding for track circuit purposes.
Competence Awarded:
Course Code:
PLT 804c.E2
Prerequisite Name:
Repair rails using arc welding processes.
Prerequisite Short Code:
PLT 804c
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book
Course Name
Repair rails using manual metal arc (MMA) welding
Course Description
This endorsement module is designed to train persons who are responsible for undertaking plain line rail using the manual metal arc welding process as part of their duties on Network Rail Infrastructure.
This endorsement module is for Manual Metal Arc Welding (MMA) on plain line only ,and can only be attended if the individual has attended the PLT 804c core module.
10 Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Repairs to plain rail, all rail grade groups and welding for track circuit purposes.
Competence Awarded:
Course Code:
PLT 804c.E1
Prerequisite Name:
Repair rails using arc welding processes.
Prerequisite Short Code:
PLT 804c
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book
Course Name
Undertake flash butt welding activity
Course Description
To provide delegates with the skills and underpinning knowledge required to undertake Flash Butt welding duties.
Welders joining the flash butt welding team.
11 Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Mobile Flash Butt Welding Head Operator.
Competence Awarded:
Course Code:
PLT 302b
Prerequisite Name:
Undertake work to prepare and assist flash butt welding activities.
Prerequisite Short Code:
PLT 302c
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book
Course Name
Undertake work to prepare and assist flash butt welding activities
Course Description
To provide delegates with the skills and underpinning knowledge required to prepare for and assist in Flash Butt welding activities.
Welding and grinding operatives.
3 Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Undertake work to prepare and assist flash butt welding activities.
Competence Awarded:
PLT 302c
Course Code:
PLT 302c
Prerequisite Name:
Personal Track Safety
Meet the medical requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L2/OHS/00124: Competence Specific Medical Requirements
Meet the requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L1/OHS/051 (Drugs & Alcohol);
Prepare rail for disposal using Oxy-Fuel gas cutting process;
Understand flash butt welding principles and techniques
Understand manual maintenance techniques for Plain Line Track systems;
Understand asset / component replacement techniques for Plain Line Track systems
Rail Mounted Disc Cutter;
Plain Line Grinder;
Web Grinder;
Prerequisite Short Code:
PLT 901c; PLT 302d; PLT 701d; PLT 801c; PTMP 03.01; PTMP 03.03; PTMP 03:07; PTMP 07.04
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book
Course Name
Undertake works to prepare and assist aluminothermic welding activities
Course Description
Delegates will be able to demonstrate an understanding of hot works policy, identify different types of rail grades and profiles, measure and assess rail wear, identify the Network Rail standards and specification for the assembly and dismantling of welding tents and umbrellas. They will also be able to assist in checks of welding equipment and consumables, and prepare welding gaps using appropriate equipment. Delegates will understand all aspects of welding processes, including rough grinding of welds correctly and safely, finishing welds safely and correctly, demonstrating their understanding of the weld inspection requirement prior to leaving site, and how to identify any issues with the completed work and communicate findings to the appropriate person.
This course is suitable for Welding & Grinding Operatives.
10 Day(s)
Class size:
Competence Name Awarded:
Assistant Welder Railtech.
Assistant Welder Thermit.
Competence Awarded:
Course Code:
PLT 803c
Prerequisite Name:
Meet the medical requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L2/OHS/00124: Competence Specific Medical Requirements
Meet the requirements of Network Rail Standard NR/L1/OHS/051 (Drugs & Alcohol);
Undertake Oxy Gas Cutting.
Rail Mounted Disc Cutter
Safe use of portable & transportable plant.
Plain Line Grinders
Safe use of cutting and grinding equipment
Electric Needle gun.
Safe use of generator equipment.
Safe use of trolley equipment.
Prerequisite Short Code:
NR/L2/OHS/00124,NR/L1/OHS/051,Weld 102,PTMP03.01,PTMP00,PTMP03.03,PTMP03.06,PTMP10.01,PTMP01,PTMP16
Skills Assessment Scheme Regime:
Course Type:
How to Book