I am very proud of the fact that almost all our core railway skills training is delivered by former maintenance and operations staff who are able to interweave the technical aspects of a task with the vital safety behaviours needed to get our people home safe every day.
This course cover the skills and knowledge required to access a tree using a rope and harness and also those required to carry out tre...
This course will give you the knowledge, skills and understanding to carry out aerial cutting of trees with a chainsaw using free-fall...
This course will provide you with the knowledge, skills and understanding to carry out aerial pruning of a tree. This course covers: H...
This dismantling refresher course will remind delegates of the appropriate techniques and safety guidelines to be confident in dismant...
For experienced operators who require refresher training on Aerial Tree Pruning. This relates to course 2551 Aerial Tree Pruning.
This course is delivered by external providers who are either LANTRA or NPTC approved. Please book this course according to the requir...
For experienced operators who require refresher training on Chainsaw Maintenance and crosscutting.This relates to course 991 Chainsaw ...
This course combines the 2 day Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross-cutting and the 4 day Felling and Processing Trees up to 380mm, into a 5...
Refresher training for experienced operators relating to course Chainsaw Maintenance, Crosscutting, Felling and Processing Trees up to...
KNW course to deal with individual and multiple windblown trees.
This course covers the following areas. \r\n\r\nSite safety. \r\nSevering the root plate. \r\nSevering a static root plate where the t...
Refresher training for Dealing with Individual Windblown Trees (CS34) for experienced operators.
This e-learning course covers the boundary measure lifecycle, different boundary measures and their uses, the design and construction ...
This face-to-face practical course focuses on conducting boundary measures inspections in accordance with NR/L2/OTK/5100 standards. Pa...
The e-learning course provides an awareness of the key stages of the boundary lifecycle, relevant Network Rail standards, and the insp...
This face-to-face practical course focuses on conducting boundary measures maintenance in accordance with NR/L2/OTK/5100 standards. Pa...
This e-learning course focuses on boundary measures, access facilities, and pathways rapid response. Participants will gain a thorough...
This face-to-face training course is designed for individuals looking to enhance their knowledge of tactical evaluation within the con...
This e-learning course focuses on boundary measures tactical and strategic evaluation, covering: Network Rail Standards, legislation, ...
The e-learning course provides participants with a comprehensive knowledge on the drainage lifecycle, Network Rail Standards for desig...
This face-to-face practical course will provide learners with the necessary skills to conduct thorough drainage inspections in accorda...
This e-learning course covers important topics like the drainage lifecycle, Network Rail Standards, and standard drainage components. ...
This face-to-face practical course teaches how to effectively maintain drainage systems in line with Network Rail's safety guideli...
This e-learning course will allow participants to recall the Network Rail Standards related to drainage rapid response and understand ...
This e-learning course aims to give participants an understanding of Network Rail Standards related to Drainage Survey and Assessment....
This face-to-face training course is designed to enhance knowledge of drainage tactical evaluation. Throughout the course, participant...
The e-learning course provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of the steps involved in practicing drainage tactical a...
This face-to-face training course is designed to provide participants with an understanding of the skills and knowledge needed to effe...
This face-to-face training course is designed to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of vegetation specification in li...
This e-learning course focuses on vegetation and tree rapid response, covering the key steps, on-site actions, decision-making process...
This e-learning course covers key aspects of the vegetation lifecycle, the process for vegetation specification and management, managi...
This face-to-face practical training course focuses on tactical evaluation in vegetation management. Participants will explore the pur...
This e-learning course covers the vegetation and tree management lifecycle, the process and technology used in evaluation, tree and ve...
This face-to-face practical course covers vegetation inspection, tree inspection, and leaf fall inspection according to NR/L2/OTK/5201...
This e-learning course provides learners an awareness level of knowledge regarding how to effectively manage vegetation and trees acco...
The face-to-face practical course teaches participants practical skills aligned with NR/L2/OTK/5201 standards. Participants will learn...
Felling trees can be a dangerous task. That is why it is important to make sure you have the confidence, knowledge and skills needed t...
This course provides you with the appropriate techniques and safety guidelines to ensure confidence when felling trees up to 380mm. It...
Refresher Training for Felling Large Trees over 760mm for experience operators (CS33).
Refresher training for Felling Medium Trees for experienced operators (CS32).
For experienced operators who require refresher training on Felling small trees up to 380mm. This relates to course 2541 felling and P...
Level 2 Award for course 2565 Access a Tree Using a Rope and Harness and Aerial Tree Rescue Operations.
Level 2 Award following course 991 Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross-cutting.
Level 2 Award following course 2541 Felling and Processing Trees up to 380mm.
Level 2 Award following course 2547 Using a Powered Pole Pruner.
Level 3 Award following course 2550 Aerial Cutting of Trees with a Chainsaw Using Free-fall Techniques.
Level 3 Award following course 2551 Aerial Tree Pruning.
Level 3 Award for course 2565 Access a Tree Using a Rope and Harness and Aerial Tree Rescue Operations.
Level 3 Award following course 2543 Felling and Processing Trees over 380mm.
Level 3 A - Severing Uprooted or Windblown Trees using a Chainsaw.
Level 3 A - Use of a Chainsaw from a Mobile Elevated Work Platform - MEWP.
Refresher training for Powered Pole Pruners (CS48) for experienced operators.
• Explain the risk assessment process\r\n• Outline the emergency planning procedures rel...
For experienced operators who require refresher training on Use of a Chainsaw from a Mobile elevated Work Platform (MEWP). This relate...
This course will give you the knowledge and skills you need to operate a chainsw from a Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP). It will ...
Powered pole pruners are powerful and dangerous tools, therefore it is essential when using them that you have the confidence and expe...
This course cover the skills and knowledge required to access a tree using a rope and harness and also those required to carry out tre...
This course will give you the knowledge, skills and understanding to carry out aerial cutting of trees with a chainsaw using free-fall...
This course will provide you with the knowledge, skills and understanding to carry out aerial pruning of a tree. This course covers: H...
This dismantling refresher course will remind delegates of the appropriate techniques and safety guidelines to be confident in dismant...
For experienced operators who require refresher training on Aerial Tree Pruning. This relates to course 2551 Aerial Tree Pruning.
This course is delivered by external providers who are either LANTRA or NPTC approved. Please book this course according to the requir...
For experienced operators who require refresher training on Chainsaw Maintenance and crosscutting.This relates to course 991 Chainsaw ...
This course combines the 2 day Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross-cutting and the 4 day Felling and Processing Trees up to 380mm, into a 5...
Refresher training for experienced operators relating to course Chainsaw Maintenance, Crosscutting, Felling and Processing Trees up to...
KNW course to deal with individual and multiple windblown trees.
This course covers the following areas. \r\n\r\nSite safety. \r\nSevering the root plate. \r\nSevering a static root plate where the t...
Refresher training for Dealing with Individual Windblown Trees (CS34) for experienced operators.
This e-learning course covers the boundary measure lifecycle, different boundary measures and their uses, the design and construction ...
This face-to-face practical course focuses on conducting boundary measures inspections in accordance with NR/L2/OTK/5100 standards. Pa...
The e-learning course provides an awareness of the key stages of the boundary lifecycle, relevant Network Rail standards, and the insp...
This face-to-face practical course focuses on conducting boundary measures maintenance in accordance with NR/L2/OTK/5100 standards. Pa...
This e-learning course focuses on boundary measures, access facilities, and pathways rapid response. Participants will gain a thorough...
This face-to-face training course is designed for individuals looking to enhance their knowledge of tactical evaluation within the con...
This e-learning course focuses on boundary measures tactical and strategic evaluation, covering: Network Rail Standards, legislation, ...
The e-learning course provides participants with a comprehensive knowledge on the drainage lifecycle, Network Rail Standards for desig...
This face-to-face practical course will provide learners with the necessary skills to conduct thorough drainage inspections in accorda...
This e-learning course covers important topics like the drainage lifecycle, Network Rail Standards, and standard drainage components. ...
This face-to-face practical course teaches how to effectively maintain drainage systems in line with Network Rail's safety guideli...
This e-learning course will allow participants to recall the Network Rail Standards related to drainage rapid response and understand ...
This e-learning course aims to give participants an understanding of Network Rail Standards related to Drainage Survey and Assessment....
This face-to-face training course is designed to enhance knowledge of drainage tactical evaluation. Throughout the course, participant...
The e-learning course provides participants with a comprehensive understanding of the steps involved in practicing drainage tactical a...
This face-to-face training course is designed to provide participants with an understanding of the skills and knowledge needed to effe...
This face-to-face training course is designed to provide participants with an in-depth understanding of vegetation specification in li...
This e-learning course focuses on vegetation and tree rapid response, covering the key steps, on-site actions, decision-making process...
This e-learning course covers key aspects of the vegetation lifecycle, the process for vegetation specification and management, managi...
This face-to-face practical training course focuses on tactical evaluation in vegetation management. Participants will explore the pur...
This e-learning course covers the vegetation and tree management lifecycle, the process and technology used in evaluation, tree and ve...
This face-to-face practical course covers vegetation inspection, tree inspection, and leaf fall inspection according to NR/L2/OTK/5201...
This e-learning course provides learners an awareness level of knowledge regarding how to effectively manage vegetation and trees acco...
The face-to-face practical course teaches participants practical skills aligned with NR/L2/OTK/5201 standards. Participants will learn...
Felling trees can be a dangerous task. That is why it is important to make sure you have the confidence, knowledge and skills needed t...
This course provides you with the appropriate techniques and safety guidelines to ensure confidence when felling trees up to 380mm. It...
Refresher Training for Felling Large Trees over 760mm for experience operators (CS33).
Refresher training for Felling Medium Trees for experienced operators (CS32).
For experienced operators who require refresher training on Felling small trees up to 380mm. This relates to course 2541 felling and P...
Level 2 Award for course 2565 Access a Tree Using a Rope and Harness and Aerial Tree Rescue Operations.
Level 2 Award following course 991 Chainsaw Maintenance and Cross-cutting.
Level 2 Award following course 2541 Felling and Processing Trees up to 380mm.
Level 2 Award following course 2547 Using a Powered Pole Pruner.
Level 3 Award following course 2550 Aerial Cutting of Trees with a Chainsaw Using Free-fall Techniques.
Level 3 Award following course 2551 Aerial Tree Pruning.
Level 3 Award for course 2565 Access a Tree Using a Rope and Harness and Aerial Tree Rescue Operations.
Level 3 Award following course 2543 Felling and Processing Trees over 380mm.
Level 3 A - Severing Uprooted or Windblown Trees using a Chainsaw.
Level 3 A - Use of a Chainsaw from a Mobile Elevated Work Platform - MEWP.
Refresher training for Powered Pole Pruners (CS48) for experienced operators.
• Explain the risk assessment process\r\n• Outline the emergency planning procedures rel...
For experienced operators who require refresher training on Use of a Chainsaw from a Mobile elevated Work Platform (MEWP). This relate...
This course will give you the knowledge and skills you need to operate a chainsw from a Mobile Elevated Work Platform (MEWP). It will ...
Powered pole pruners are powerful and dangerous tools, therefore it is essential when using them that you have the confidence and expe...